Say you live in Manhattan and you finally found that great apartment -- but your window faces a concrete wall ten feet away. Atmoph, a company that produces a digital frame that plays videos of what you might see outside a window in many places around the world, is hoping to fill that void for a real view that you might have. Kyohi Kang and his team send videographers around the world to shoot video of exotic locales like Cuba or Rome, and the video plays back at a very high fidelity on the screen, making it seem like you're looking right outside at the scene. It's available for $599 -- so you'll have to decide whether or not that price is worth it to sate your craving for a fresh view of nature instead of that view of a brick wall. Subscribe to TechCrunch today: TechCrunch Disrupt is the world’s leading authority in debuting revolutionary startups, introducing game-changing technologies and discussing what’s top of mind for the tech industry’s key innovators. Watch more from Disrupt NY day three here: TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .Biz - Brands
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