Cure those winter blues and cozy up to hands-on learning during indoor recess! When temperatures drop, bundle up with these budget-friendly ideas to help you bring your A-game to students’ playtime. Take the dread away from indoor play when you create simple table games for the classroom. Make sure they are easy, don’t require much instruction, and are games that are traditionally familiar to your students. Games like tic-tac-toe are the best ideas! Just replicate your own version of a game board, laminate it, and voilå—you’re ready for game time! You can use even use all-the-rage mini erasers as game pieces to excite and incentivize students. For more teaching inspiration check out: Tanya D. – Gifted Teacher 305 Follow her on Instagram @giftedteacher305 To find out other fun tips, free resources, and more, make sure to visit our website:
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Thursday, November 21, 2019
Have a Holly Jolly Indoor Recess
Cure those winter blues and cozy up to hands-on learning during indoor recess! When temperatures drop, bundle up with these budget-friendly ideas to help you bring your A-game to students’ playtime. Take the dread away from indoor play when you create simple table games for the classroom. Make sure they are easy, don’t require much instruction, and are games that are traditionally familiar to your students. Games like tic-tac-toe are the best ideas! Just replicate your own version of a game board, laminate it, and voilå—you’re ready for game time! You can use even use all-the-rage mini erasers as game pieces to excite and incentivize students. For more teaching inspiration check out: Tanya D. – Gifted Teacher 305 Follow her on Instagram @giftedteacher305 To find out other fun tips, free resources, and more, make sure to visit our website:
Quick Workshop Tips To Make Your Week Easier
Incorporating more workshops in the classroom helps fill time while engaging students’ hands-on learning skills. It’s easy to keep a consistent routine going with just a little organization. You can prepare workshop buckets for any – and all – subjects or topics—this one in particular is perfect for hands-on math lessons. Section off each bucket into three sections—a book box is a great solution. You can prepare three colored folders: one green, one yellow, and one red. Like a traffic light, this colored system shows color which folder to check first—green means go! This first folder can have a writing activity in coordination with your lesson topic (e.g. tracing numbers activity page). The second folder is yellow and can host a hands-on activity using manipulatives found in the book box. Then students will check the final red folder to find a book/reader that applies to the subject being explored. For more teaching inspiration, check out: Maleah C. – Ms. Campbell Teach Follow her on Instagram @ms.campbell.teach To find out other fun tips, free resources, and more, make sure to visit our website:
Unwrap A Fun World Holiday Lesson Plan Unit!
There are a ton of meaningful and educational ways your classroom can celebrate the holiday traditions found around the world. Start the day/week with a holiday-related book—this example uses a short reader all about Hanukkah! Then, have students go to centers and give each student a different STEM supply and prompt them to construct an item from the story—like a dreidel! You can explore the history of the holiday with lots of different information and start a conversation in the classroom about why and how the holiday is celebrated. To complete this festive learning unit, have your students complete a research project! Assign a different country to each student and have them outline an overview of their country and the holidays its citizens celebrate. Students can create colorful posters to present to the class. You could go a step further and ask students to bring in one of their country’s traditional holiday dishes (while keeping in mind dietary restrictions). These activities open the door to lots of meaningful conversations about finding the similarities of cultures around the world while celebrating the unique differences. For more teaching inspiration, check out: Jennifer H. – 2nd grade teacher Follow her on instagram @mrsholley2nd To find out other fun tips, free resources, and more, make sure to visit our website:
The Right Way To Deliver Report Cards
Report card season doesn’t have to be so daunting. When it comes to delivering report cards, it can be very time-consuming. Whether you use more traditional methods or are completing standards-based report cards, it’s important to explain to parents what their child had been working on and what they could have done differently to improve their grade. Include a few examples of each student's work, rather than just listing subjects or topics. If you consistently keep up with data tracking during each grading period, it will make this process easier and a matter of inputting specific information for each student. For more teaching inspiration, check out: Fletcher N. – Third Grade Swag Follow him on Instagram @_thirdgradeswag To find out other fun tips, free resources, and more, make sure to visit our website:
The Teacher's Guide to Holiday Gift Giving
"Spread good cheer this holiday season without breaking your budget. Check out these simple and affordable gift ideas that are perfect for your coworkers, students, and the community. Every coworker could use some uplifting during the season, so why not warm their heart—through their feet! Find some festive fuzzy socks for each staff member and include a warm and fuzzy message like: It’s that time of the year The holidays are here The kids have lost their minds Because it’s Christmastime From testing to assessing It may seem depressing But let’s put on some cheer Because Christmas break is near We might as well be merry Since it’s only temporary The kids will be on their way To celebrate Christmas Day Let’s wear these socks on Monday So all the kids can see That we’re in the holiday spirit At ________ Elementary This is a great idea to encourage a positive work culture! For your students, give the gift of literacy! Stock up on dollar workbooks or travel-friendly tablets and send home with your students to foster their love of reading over the holidays. Plus, encourage students’ compassion toward their community by holding a canned food drive! Involve the whole classroom or school to help those in need. Cans or non-perishable food collections are often convenient for and appreciated by parents. For more teaching inspiration, check out: Chad B. – The Male Kindergarten Teacher Follow him on Instagram @malekindergartenteacher"
Check out this RAINBOW WATERFALL of CRAYOLA GLITTER DOTS!! In this amazing DIY CHALLENGE, Sandy and Jay-J must catch as many Glitter Dots as they can to DECORATE their beautiful crafts! As they play the fun relay race game, the girls can only use ONLY THREE colors to make their DIY PINWHEEL in this Glitter Dots Challenge! And the winner gets the BEST PRIZE EVER! #Crayola #GlitterDots #Challenge
Crayola Glitter Dots || Crayola Product Demo
Crayola Glitter Dots offer fun glitter play in a less messy way! Each dot is formulated with a special coating that keeps the glitter inside and off your hands. Simply squish to add brilliant sparkle color to all of your projects - no spills or sticky glue! Glitter dots adhere to most surfaces including paper, wood, and canvas making them great for art and craft projects.
How to Install Duck® Brand EPDM Rubber Seals
Find out how to install Duck® Brand EPDM Rubber Weatherstrip seals in three simple steps. SUPPLIES - Duck® Brand Heavy-Duty Weatherstrip Seal: - Scissors STEPS 1. Separate the dual strip into two lengths. Then, remove the liner backing from the adhesive side of the rubber seal and press the weatherstrip firmly in place. 2. Next, cut the weatherstrip to size. Repeat this process on the rest of the door trim. 3. Finally, check to make sure there is a tight fit between the door and rubber seal. Find out more about all of the home weatherization solutions Duck® Brand offers: SUBSCRIBE Want the latest and greatest from the Duck® brand? Subscribe to get notified when new videos are uploaded: FOLLOW Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Pinterest -
Celebrando 11 años, Pescando Lobinas en Chapala
Nos fuimos al Lago de Chapala, un lugar donde el Power Fishing es la técnica primordial para tener éxito en la pesca de las grandes lobinas que viven en sus aguas Yai y yo somos un pareja de pescadores que nos gusta conocer nuevos destinos de pesca, recién casados la luna de miel nos fuimos a pescar sábalos, en nuestro aniversario 10 en Patagonia, y ahora tocó Chapala celebrar el año 11 de matromonio pescador gracias a la invitación de nuestro buen amigo Christian Omar Velázquez con quien compartimos excelentes momentos de pesca y horas de buena plática de lo que más nos gusta que es la pesca, conocimos a Luis Ernesto Calderón uno de los guÃas más experimentados de la presa, la pesca estuvo más complicada pero pudimos pescar algunas lobinas que dieron buena batalla. 👉No olvides COMPARTIR el Video y regalarnos un LIKE, activar la campana para recibir notificaciones de cuando subimos nuevos videos y dejar tus comentarios. 👉¿Quieres ir con nosotros a los mejores destinos de pesca? 👉 👉 👉En Anglers Bass House tenemos los mejores señuelos para pescar las grandes, además te asesoramos en tu compra de acuerdo a la presa que vayas a visitar y de acuerdo a la temporada de pesca 👉La mejor tienda de pesca en la Cd de México atendida por pescadoresðŸ‘🇲🇽 👉Pesca de lobina 👉Pesca con mosca 👉Material de atado y herramientas 👉Pesca en agua dulce 👉Pesca en agua salada 👉Ropa táctica, lentes y accesorios 👉Atención personalizada 👠EnvÃos a todo México 👉Anglers Tv / Youtube 👉Whatsapp Gerente Efrain Gómez 775 125 3660 Calle 15 #91, Colonia San Pedro de los Pinos, Alc. Benito Juárez, Cd de México (0155) 5515- 2358 Música: Rebel In Flannel 5 / Epidemic Sound Red Chili Jam 2 / Epidemic Sound
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