Hear how DiecutStickers.com is using the SureColor S80600L to increase productivity and profitability, while dramatically reducing their ink costs and downtime, as well as minimizing their waste footprint. Learn more about Bulk Ink Printers at https://ift.tt/2QHQDqL
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Friday, November 22, 2019
SureColor S80600L | DiecutStickers.com Testimonial
Hear how DiecutStickers.com is using the SureColor S80600L to increase productivity and profitability, while dramatically reducing their ink costs and downtime, as well as minimizing their waste footprint. Learn more about Bulk Ink Printers at https://ift.tt/2QHQDqL
What is the True Cost of Ink Efficiency? | SureColor S-Series Bulk Ink Printers
Learn how the new SureColor S-Series bulk ink printers give you an ink efficiency advantage over latex competition. Learn more at https://ift.tt/2QHQDqL
NEW Crayola Spin and Spiral Art Station || Crayola Product Demo
Watch as the Crayola Spin N Spiral Art Station lets kids design geometric marker spiral art and wild paint crafts. They can even create a combo masterpiece using both markers and paint, totally rad! This spin art machine combines two classic toys and is completely kid-powered—no batteries required.
TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 - Testimonial Aalborg ziekenhuis - NL
De schoonmaakbranche staat voor een uitdaging: de aantrekkende economie en het toenemende vertrouwen van bedrijven en consumenten, waardoor meer vraag naar schoonmaakpersoneel, maar minder aanbod. UWV berekende dit voorjaar een toename van 2000 banen in 2016, 8000 in 2017, met 260.000 banen eind 2018, maar ook een daling van het aantal schoonmakers met 10.000. Het merendeel van de schoonmakers is ouder dan 45 jaar en een kwart is 55+. Ook door de vergrijzing en het hoge verloop in de sector komt er steeds meer vraag naar personeel. Het aanbod blijft echter achter. UWV constateert in het rapport Schoonmaak Factsheet Arbeidsmarkt een stijgende spanning op de arbeidsmarkt voor schoonmakers. Hiermee is dit derhalve een van de grootste uitdagingen voor de komende jaren voor schoonmaakbedrijven. Veel bedrijven zijn actief om de juiste mensen naar de sector te lokken. Bedrijven plaatsen advertenties, werving- en selectiebureaus worden in gezet, brancheverenigingen werken aan het imago van de sector, enzovoort. Ondanks alle inzet blijft het lastig om goed personeel te krijgen. Naast de ‘reguliere’ zoektocht naar nieuwe medewerkers, kunnen bedrijven ook out-of-the-box-oplossingen toepassen. Robotisering biedt bijvoorbeeld de mogelijkheid om meer werk te doen met hetzelfde aantal fte’s! De combinatie van medewerkers en een robot schrobzuigmachine geven een enorme boost aan de schoonmaakcapaciteit. De medewerkers richten zich op de dienstverlening met hun vakkennis, ervaring en human touch. De robot wordt ingezet voor het schoonmaken van de grote oppervlakten en het zware, repeterende werk. Bovendien is een robot flexibel in te zetten in het schoonmaakproces. Zonder discussie kan capaciteit hiermee van ochtendploeg naar avondploeg of naar dag schoonmaak worden verschoven. De robot levert altijd dezelfde constante inzet en kwaliteit. Op een aantal locaties waar een TASKI robot schrobzuigmachine wordt ingezet, wordt over de robot al gesproken alsof het een teamgenoot betreft. Verschillende namen worden al gegeven aan deze ‘collega’. De enige discussie is nog of de robot een hij of een zij is.
TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 - Testimonial Aalborg ospedale - IT
"Se ridere è la migliore delle medicine, allora i sorrisi sono un'ottima dose di benessere extraâ€. Morton Kristein, Specialista senior, Ospedale Universitario di Aalborg
TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 - Testimonial Aalborg hôpital - FR
Si le rire est le meilleur des remèdes, le sourire est un excellent antidote. Morton Kristein, consultant principal, Hôpital universitaire d’Aalborg
TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 - Testimonial Aalborg Hospital - ES
“Si la risa es la mejor medicina, entonces las sonrisas son una fantástica dosis de refuerzoâ€. Morton Kristein, médico especialista principal, Hospital Universitario de Aalborg
TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 - Testimonial Aalborg Hospital - EN
Robots Deliver Consistency of Hygiene Where it really Counts Morten Kristein, Senior Consultant at Aalborg University Hospital in Denmark is in no doubt of the operational impact of the TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000: “A robot is more consistent. It maintains the same speed at all times. The impact on efficiency has been significant. There is only an occasional check of the machine required to see if everything is running smoothly.†The SWINGOBOT’s easy to use autonomous cleaning has helped the Aalborg University Hospital confront the considerable challenge of cleaning its facilities to the highest standard of hygiene, which for a healthcare facility is an absolute necessity. As these facilities comprise a number of departments and buildings that are located across a broad area of the city, the logistical demands and the combined surface areas make this task of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene around the clock a daily headache. Infection prevention Consistency of hygiene and the quality of clean are the cornerstones of effective cleaning, however, the ever-present threat of infection in hospital patients and visitors to day clinics that are susceptible through low resistance adds another dimension to the task. There are increasing customer expectations of cleaning consistency, particularly from sectors like healthcare, where the evolution of pathogens makes infection prevention of the highest priority. The Aalborg University Hospital was looking for a more efficient cleaning solution to assist them. However, it’s search wasn’t just driven by this need for efficiency but by a mission to find new ways to innovate and make its operations more sustainable and eco-friendly. A suitable case for Robotic treatment An intelligent, hands-free robotic floor care machine, the TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 is engineered to increase productivity while reducing consumption of resources, including water and cleaning chemicals. The intuitive controls make it supremely easy to operate and maintain. Electronic tracking and data recording, mean that the SWINGOBOT 2000 has a distinct advantage over the inherent human unpredictability of the hospital’s previous cleaning regimes. It delivers the certainties of consistency of hygiene and cleaning quality which gives the hospital confidence to relax and concentrate on other areas. Visibility that provides peace of mind With a 360-degree view, the scrubber drier provides clear visibility over the cleaning process and an opportunity to manage it more effectively. It’s an easy task to just prep, point and let the machine go, navigating safely around obstacles – human or static – to carry out its consistent work on every occasion the floor is cleaned. It is 100% successful in avoiding surrounding obstacles - in this case the patients – communicating continuously via sonar sensors which allow it to operate safe and efficient navigation around the hospital’s many facilities. Intelli-functions reduce water and chemical consumption by at least 70%, and the possibility of human error by removing any need for guesswork from the cleaning staff. The Intelli-features help to minimise unnecessary waste and improve sustainability. For example, once implemented, the hospital found that the IntelliDose system helped effectively calculate and deliver the optimum amount of chemical for the task or floor type selected. Similarly, the IntelliFlow automated system helped the hospital to regulate the delivery of water based on the machine and its turning radius. A consistent and hygienic future Morten Kristein states: “I believe it is important to us as a hospital to be investing in new technology and to become more efficient for the benefit of our staff and our patients. We find that the TASKI® SWINGOBOT 2000 is definitely a big part of achieving this vision.†Waste has been substantially reduced - saving both money and energy resources. It has also enabled the Aalborg University Hospital to focus on applying the benefits of sustainability and increased productivity throughout. Morten Kristein concludes: “I would definitely recommend the TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 to other hospitals. As soon as our budget allows we will look to expand on this solution and purchase more robots from Diversey. This will ensure that our cleaning regimes continue to become even more efficient and sustainable in the future.â€
TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 - Testimonial Aalborg Hospital - DK
Styrker teamet og øger produktiviteten TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 er en selvkørende gulvvaskemaskine til rengøring af store arealer. Med TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 får man mere fra hånden, og gør virksomheden mere effektiv: Mens TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 tager sig af gulvrengøringen, får rengøringspersonalet frigivet ekstra tid til andre værdifulde opgaver. SWINGOBOT 2000 er pålidelig og prisrigtig, og vil typisk være afbetalt inden for 12 måneder. TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 kan: • Forbedre din rengøring • Øge produktiviteten i din virksomhed • Hjælpe med at styre risici og følge de daglige aktiviteter • Differentiere din drift med indførsel af en innovativ løsning • Udvikle rengøringspersonalet Fokus på teknologi TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 navigerer ved hjælp af sonar, 2D LIDAR, Touch- og gulvsensorer. Disse sensorer fungerer sammen med robottens computersoftware. Soft-waren modtager push-meddelelser fra Intelli-Trak-systemet efter behov. Alt programmeres i forhold til worst-case-scenarier, så robotten intelligent stopper, hvis der registreres en ændring i omgivelserne. Den kan også undgå forhindringer undervejs. Den er udstyret med ekstra intelligente løsninger  IntelliTrail (standard): Intelligent telemetri system (integreret i IoC-platformen) til at administrere dine TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 maskiner med resten af dine maskiner  Intelli-Trak (standard): Til alarmer og rapporter og bedre gennemsigtighed over daglige aktiviteter  IntelliDose (standard): Doseringsplatform med højkoncentreret gulvrengøringsmiddel til rengøring af op til 30.000 kvadratmeter  IntelliFlow (standard): Innovativt system der tilpasser mængden af rengøringsvand på gulvet i forhold til maskinens fart  IntelliControl (ekstra): Til langdistance fjernstyring af maskiner  IntelliPad (ekstra): Diamantrondel som reducerer forbruget med op til 70%
TASKI SWINGOBOT 2000 - Testimonial Aalborg Krankenhaus - DE
Krankenhaus „Wenn Lachen die beste Medizin ist, lässt sich mit einem Lächeln alles hervorragend auffrischen.“ Morton Kristein, Chefarzt, Universitätsklinik Aalborg
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Mehr erfahren unter: https://ift.tt/35otqOh... Perfekte Ergebnisse. Das Dahle Creativ-Set mit drei Schneideköpfen für Zick-Zack-Schnitt, Perforation und Büttenschnitt.
Einbau Schneidekopf Dahle Creativ-Set 507 I www.dahle-office.com
Mehr erfahren unter: https://ift.tt/2pH1Z3f Perfekte Ergebnisse. Das Dahle Creativ-Set mit drei Schneideköpfen für Zick-Zack-Schnitt, Perforation und Büttenschnitt.
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